Blog: Page 3

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“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would always say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day, especially in times of ‘disaster,’ I remember my mother’s words, and I am always comforted by realizing that there…

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When couples are working through their childhood trauma through the dynamic of their relationship, it is important to remember the stress reaction cycle and conscious communication guidelines. Although, life feels like a stimulus leads to a response, there are emotional states that lead to one’s reactions. Conscious Communication Through Emotions: Mad, Sad, Glad, Afraid We…

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Psychotherapy is the vocation of soul tending. It means, “healing of the soul” from the Greek words psykhe ‘the soul’ and therapeia ‘curing, healing’. Soul Tending Is Healing The soul of every human being is encoded with an image of desire. The ultimate symbolic aim of this desire is a human/divine marriage: The integration of…

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Tomorrow-April 5th-I will be a guest panelist for AB Tech’s “Addiction, Recovery, and Coping” Event. This panel will focus on the opiate epidemic in our area. It is important to name, that our country is also suffering from this unfortunate phenomenon. A recent article by Chris Hedges entitled “A Nation of the Walking Dead” on…

Although empaths possess exceptional neurological abilities in emotional coregulation and capacity, it is important to name that there are other unique adaptations to being an empath that exceed the neurotypical brain. Three of these phenomena are over-containment of ones own state, cognitive autoimmune responses, and tracking. All three of these are sophisticated threat responses that…

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I am honored to have been included in Douglas Gillette’s new book “At the Thresholds of Elysium”. As a Jungian-trained clinician, it is exciting to have read and blurbed on the work of a man who literally wrote the book on masculine archetypes: “King, Warrior, Magician, Lover” Purchase This Book

Over the last couple of years, there has been a groundswell of articles written about empaths. Much like their polar opposite-the narcissist-empaths have been anecdotally defined-often in a manner that is misrepresentative. Therefore, it is imperative to accurately explain the characteristics and etiology of the empath. What does empathy mean? Firstly, let’s define empathy: Contrary to…

In the practice of Somatic Psychology, the ultimate healing function is in the relational bond and limbic resonance between self and other. This translates to relationships outside of therapy, allowing the patient to find and keep empathically attuned relationships/secure attachments. The most common reason for seeking therapy is missing the emotional support in ones life. All…

It’s not even been a week since the Waking Life debacle news broke… already people are calling for forgiveness. We have also seen stellar community organizing and activism, equipped and enacted by some of the finest expressions of healthy aggression I’ve ever seen. Anger is an evolutionary tool. Along with our other emotions-sadness, fear, guilt,…

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