© 2014 SYNCHRONICITY: Matter & Psyche Symposium. All videos related to this event were produced by Things Are Changing Productions. This content is being used for reference and informational purposes.
Winter Lazerus
Winter Lazerus, M.A.; is a Grammy nominated, multi-gold and platinum awarded record producer, artist, musician, and composer. He has worked all over the world on creative projects from Manhattan to Paris, Iceland to Ireland. Winter’s focus in multimedia concepts and his work in venues like the Vortex Immersive Dome have garnered him recognition with diverse audiences and fellow artists. Most recently, he has completed a neo-Opera based on C.G. Jung’s Red Book called “Red Book Visions”. Academically, Winter has a Masters Degree in Consciousness Studies and has worked with some of the greatest minds of our generation in the field. Winter has developed an artful technique for exploring how imagination creates reality in the present moment via a group or individual structure and calls this “Vision Seeds” explorations. www.thevisionseeds.com